(Must be logged in to view allocations, click to login or visit allocation page)
(Click to view past releases)
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So you’re a Bottle Friend, what’s next?!?
Check your emails (or this site)
Correspondence is sent via emails, the Bottle Friends Instagram, and updated on this site for all sales, upcoming release notifications, and any important notes such as deadlines for pickup, discount promo codes for taproom ordering, and procedure changes/other news.
Join the (unofficial) Bottle Friends Facebook group
While not officially run by HPB or restricted to Bottle Friends members, it’s a great way to interact with other HPB fans, post tasting notes, or just beer pictures.
Order bottles
Bottle Friends sales typically occur once a month with a presale period of about a week. You can find any allocated bottles that are on sale via the emails, logging in and looking at the Current Allocations section of this page, or logging into our Bottle Friends web shop portal, located here.
Bottle Friend presales are all conducted via this portal and allow you the extended quarterly pickup/shipping window (which is separate from our Upserve taproom ordering system for pickup & delivery orders, which must be picked up the same day as ordering).
You can click the sale link in the email or click the Bottle Friends menu option at the top of the home page. You must be logged into view the bottles.
Most sales of non-included bottles have limits set that should not result in immediate sell outs, giving you peace of mind and a stress free purchasing opportunity (at least over the first 24 hours if not the entire pre-sale period). Having said that it’s important to remember these sale periods are not guaranteed and there is potential the bottle will sell out. After the pre-sale period any remaining (non-exclusive) bottles will typically be made available to the general public.
Included bottle sales (additional bottles of the exclusive release available for purchase beyond the included quantity) on the other hand could sell out rather quick as the quantities available for sale are very limited), but have no fear as with the included releases you are guaranteed 2 bottles for each of them.
Picking up bottles
Required bottle pickup dates are set upon a quarterly pickup window system. You will always have at least one month to pick up your purchased or included bottles and every email, product sale, and the past release, will contain the info for which quarter the bottle was released in, and when it needs to be picked up by.
You can view all the pickup windows in the FAQ below and see the schedule for when currently released bottles need to be picked up by on the past releases page.
After picking up: consume and (hopefully) enjoy said bottles.
Ask questions/comments/set a trustee
Check the FAQ for other notes and if you ever have any questions or comments about the Bottle Friends membership, you can reach out to us [email protected]
Getting your discount on general releases!
There are 2 areas where non-Bottle Friends allocated beer & Merchandise can be ordered.
Web Shop – Outside of the Bottle Friends allocations, everything from our web shop is shipped. Merch and mixed can packs on the web shop will automatically have your discount and you will be charged shipping for these items (if you order Bottle Friends allocations on the same order they will not be shipped).
Taproom Ordering System – Our Upserve system is our taproom integrated POS system. Use this if you want to order any cans, bottles, or merch for immediate pickup (orders placed on this system are meant for same day pickups, or zone day delivery depending when you order. If you are ordering additional bottles they will not be added to the Bottle Friends allocations extended pickup window).
On this system your orders are not automatically discounted. You will need to enter your Bottle Friends specific code (you can find the code at the bottom of the Bottle Friends emails).
To place a Taproom order:
Navigate here to begin placing your order. After adding what you want to your cart, click update, then checkout. On the checkout screen, you will see a button that says “HAVE A PROMO CODE” press it and enter the appropriate promo code, which can be found in your Bottle Friends emails.
Pickup/Shipping Windows:
A Bottle Friends year is broken into 4 quarters. All bottles must be picked up/or selected for shipping, no later than one month after the quarter a bottle was released in comes to an end. If they aren’t picked up by the last available date they risk being forfeited back to the brewery without refund. Please be sure to always make sure you or your trustee will be able to make it in during the allotted time.
Releases between:
Q1: 4/1-6/30 will be available to pickup/shipped until 10/31
Q2: 7/1-9/30 will be available to pickup/shipped until 10/31
Q3: 10/1-12/31 will be available to pickup/shipped until 4/30
Q4: 1/1-3/31 will be available to pickup/shipped until 4/30
Membership Portal:
Our online shop & member portal is located at (our public store shares a cart & checkout located at, public sale items are typically shipping only, if you order merchandise or other items you will be charged shipping on those items, your allocations will not be shipped if placed on the same order). You can view your account information and what bottles are currently available to purchase by logging in and visiting My Account and clicking the Memberships link on the left side of the page (perhaps the best link to bookmark, if you’re only bookmarking one page). Please always double check that you are logged in, otherwise you will not be able to see any member only products for purchase.
Included Bottles:
Your included bottles are not on a set release schedule, but we hope to spread them out across all 4 quarters. Whenever an included bottle allocation is ready for release it will automatically be added to your account so you can see it in the “Orders” section.
Online Bottle Pre-Sales:
As a Bottle Friend, you are able to purchase bottles online during a Bottle Friend Only pre-sale window. Sales windows last around a week (or while supplies last) and bottles are available to pickup after the sale period is over. If any bottles remain available (for the non-exclusive bottle sales), they will be for sale from our taproom.
Non-Guaranteed Sales:
Bottle sales are non-guaranteed; this means that at the set limit there would not be enough for every member to max out on their allotment. Limits are set based on past sales history and expected sales. We try to set the limit at a number that won’t immediately sell out (and typically last most or all of the week long purchase window), but it is possible an item will sell out, if it does we will continue to adjust future limits to spread around the beer so all the members that want it– can get it.
Public Online Shop:
Our public online shop now has merch items for sale to everyone. Currently, merch items are only available for shipping. Bottles are not currently available for shipping outside of the allocation shipping period. If an item is listed in your allocations at time of purchase it will be available for pickup (it will also be clearly notated in the description if the item is for pickup). If you place an order for a non-shippable item and shipped items. You will be charged shipping for the shipped items, and the non-shippable items will not ship with the order.
Local Delivery of Allocations:
If you are in one of our local delivery zones you can have your bottles delivered to you if you place an order for fresh cans or merch delivery. You will see a menu subgroup at the bottom of the Upserve menu that says “Bottle Friends Only”, within this menu is the (free) item “Bottle Friends Bottle Pickup Request”. When you add this item to your order (delivery or pickup, or even if you are going to be coming in and just want to have it ready for you), your bottles will be packed up and added to that order.
If you need to change or add a trustee: email [email protected].
Taproom Discount:
If ordering online for pickup or delivery: You can enter the promo code found in the Bottle Friends emails into our Upserve online ordering system for taproom orders.
If visiting the taproom: Show your membership card to receive the member discount.
Upcoming Releases:
We include a short list of the next one or two releases at the bottom of each email to let you know what’s right around the corner. This includes exclusive and non-exclusive releases.
Unofficial Facebook Group:
If you have Facebook account and want to join a group with fellow Bottle Friends & HPB Supporters, please check out the Bottle Friends group, it’s a great resource to get tasting notes from other Bottle Friends and keep up to date on any details you may have missed. While technically an unofficial group, I do occasionally join in and answer questions.
If you ever find yourself unsure or curious about something don’t hesitate to email [email protected]